MVHR New Accessory

Some things are just better together, and when it comes to indoor comfort control it’s hard to beat pairing The Unico System small duct high velocity (SDHV) central heating and cooling with Ebac’s Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery (MVHR) system, for your new build project.
Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) systems maintain a healthy indoor environment and is designed to continuously extract and supply fresh, filtered air to houses and similar dwellings.
By integrating MVHR with a Unico System your are bringing the additional benefit of heat recovery to an already premium high end solution for heating, ventilation and cooling.
Features & Benefits
EFFICIENT HEAT RECOVERY: 88% heat recovery ensures money spent on heating your home doesn’t go to waste
COMPACT DESIGN: Discreet, compact and built with a high quality robust steel casing to ensure quiet operation.
SMART CONTROL: Ebac’s patented control method saves up to 75% on running costs compared to other domestic ventilation units
AUTOMATIC SUMMER BYPASS: When the temperature increases in the summer, switch off heat recovery to circulate cooler air.
SMART DEFROST MODE: Integrated, automatic frost protection activates during lower temperatures to ensure effective operation all year round.
TOUCH SCREEN MONITOR: Monitor live temperature, CO2 and humidity levels and be reassured that your indoor air quality is under control.
Ebac MVHRs are designed specifically for SAP via Appendix Q

Unico & MVHR Matchup

# Poor control. If turned on/off by occupant will not run long enough to dehumidify; if left on continuously will run at warmer temp and not dehumidify.
*With electric heat strip
**Only if outdoor temp is less than indoor temp
***Only if outdoor dewpoint is lower than indoor dewpoint (summer), or vice-versa in the winter.