
The UNICO system can be adjusted quickly and effectively to maintain the precise comfort level all year round. This can be done automatically with a suitable effective programmable room thermostat and associated controls.
Having a great system is only a benefit when the end user is in full control
Controlling the UNICO System

The UNICO system can be adjusted quickly and effectively to maintain the precise comfort level all year round. This can be done automatically with a suitable effective programmable room thermostat and associated controls.
A major benefit of the UNICO System is having instant control and reaction time which allows you to increase or cool down the room temperature instantly unlike a traditional radiator or underfloor system. With a good programmable thermostat, once you have set your required temperature you don’t have to constantly change settings. Our programmable room thermostat has an auto changeover function and is covered by our 5-year warranty, making it the perfect option.
It is not uncommon for our UNICO Specialist Installers to make a recommendation as part of their estimate as this is often done for compatibility reasons and decisions on zoning and choice of energy source.
Key Features
- Quick one-button programming
- Configures as manual heat/cool, auto changeover, heat only, or cool only
- Exclusive Cool Savings feature saves energy during peak A/C demand periods
- Hydronic 2 or 3 wire applications
- Three anticipation settings
- Exclusive battery power monitor
- Longer battery life
- Easy-access battery compartment
- 5-Year Warranty

Other controls can be used depending on functionality and required lifestyle with many end users opting for the NEST or Heatmiser NeoStat which are combined heating and cooling thermostats.
Nest Thermostat
Smart controls are now more popular than standard conventional room thermostats and the NEST is perfectly suited to the functionality and operation of the UNICO System.
Nest learning thermostat programs itself. Then pays for itself.
Nest learns the temperature you like when you’re at home. And turns itself down when you’re away. It controls half your energy bill – more than appliances, more than electronics.
*warranty and guarantee is not covered by UNICO and the product is covered by the original manufacturers terms and conditions.